Taylor's Tooth
Taylor lost her first tooth last Thursday. She was eating an apple with her side teeth and it fell out!
She has a "tooth fairy pillow" that she got for Christmas. She was so excited to put her tooth in the little pocket. As Josh was putting them in bed, he wanted Taylor to put the pillow under her pillow. She said she didn't want to. Then, he suggested she hang it from her bedpost. She also came back with a "no." Josh asked her why. She said, "I want to hang it on the door. That way you and Mom don't have to come in my room to get it." Josh told me later that he must have been the most naive kid that ever was because he was older when he lost his first tooth and he believed in the tooth fairy. To tell you the truth, I think he still does:)
Ella wanted her picture taken too since Taylor got hers taken.
So are you telling me the tooth fairy isn't real? bp
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